Salam ziarah

Aku menulis untuk meluahkan apa yang terbuku di hati. Tak semua hal boleh di luahkan pada rakan-rakan atau keluarga. Banyak hal yang boleh jadi kita bertegang urat terutama hal-hal politik...tetapi kalau asyik dipendam di hati pun bahaya..boleh jadi sakit jantung.

Berita @Denaihati

Jun 5, 2009

Disebalik serangan U.S. ke atas Afghanistan ada Ya'jud dan Ma'jud

Presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS), Barack Obama berikrar untuk membuka ‘lembaran baru’ bagi dunia Islam dan Amerika dalam ucapan bersejarah kepada umat Islam di seluruh dunia di sini hari ini.Diantara ucapan Obama di Cairo untuk Dunia Islam adalah :

On Afghanistan, Obama emphasized that the Sept. 11 attacks had left the U.S. with no choice but to deny al-Qaeda a sanctuary there - squarely challenging the conspiracy theories that still prevail in Egypt and much of the Muslim world that question whether the attacks had in fact been carried out by extremists, who claimed responsibility for the event. "These are not opinions to be debated; these are facts to be dealt with," he said bluntly. The U.S. would bring its troops home immediately if it could be sure extremists would have no sanctuary in Afghanistan.

Tapi sebenarnya U.S. dan Israel menganggap Afghanistan dan Iran adalah Gog and Magog (Ya'jud dan Ma'jud)  yang MESTI dihapuskan kerana di akhir zaman mereka yakin Gog and Magog akan menghancurkan Israel....

And then, from the very region of Iran and Afghanistan (and from the surrounding regions) the armies of Gog [the invigorated Antichrist] will bring under his control the armies of "the Land of Magog." The Book of Revelation informs us that this Gog will lead these armies from the Magog (this land will represent the far-flung regions of the earth [from all four cardinal directions of the inhabitable earth]. These vast armies will assemble in Iran and Afghanistan (and surrounding areas) to come across the Euphrates River to invade the unwalled nation of Israel (as Israel will then exist in the time of the Antichrist). These armies of Gog will come from the north and east. The River Euphrates will dry up and allow them to move freely toward Israel. This is when they finally assemble in the Valley of Megiddo (at the biblical site of Armageddon). At this final assemblage to mount a war against Jerusalem, God will destroy the armies of Gog who come from the Land of Magog.

Setiap apa yang U.S dan Barat buat ada perkara yang tersirat..kita sahaja terikut-ikut tanpa mengkaji buruk dan baik. Kalau Israel dan U.S. sedar bahawa Dunia semakin menuju kepenghujungnya dan menghampiri KIAMAT..bila kita nak sedar dan berubah?

~Terima Kasih~

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